Mortgages, Home Equity Loans, Debt Consolidation Loans, New Construction LoansThere are lots of options when you are looking for a loan on your house. The internet has increased your ability to find a low rate by allowing you to compare rates from various lenders by visiting multiple web sites. With the addition of sites that have lenders compete for your business, you now have more leverage!I recommend that you try a couple of the sites below. The more quotes you get, the better deal you will probably find. Sometimes lenders have special rates in markets where they are trying to expand. Without getting the multiple quotes, you'll never find these special rates. Even if you want to use a local lender, having other quotes can increase your bargaining power with them and can save you thousands. If you do all your shopping around for a mortgage within a month, the inquiries will only count as 1 inquiry for your credit score, so it won't hurt you to shop.
From WSJ 1/14/02 p R11, Top 10 online retail mortgage lenders in Billions $.